Wednesday, January 13, 2010

ME and DEAR's first bias fight.

Today I woke up, supposed to felt better
but thing just started up...

I noticed something i shouldn't....
in Facebook
and got a little unhappy bout it.

Thinking that it was him who did it,
I consulted him...

I mean who wouldn't?
Because it IS HIS account after all.

I don't know why...
but he is angry

Aren't I am the one who is supposed to be angry?
but why is it that I don't feel it?
Instead I was more to confused.
and hurt by the way he reply things...

You said I should have know that it is a shared account?
How am I to know that?
You never tell.

And if I do know what can I do?
You deleted me from your friend list...
Is that what some gentleman should do?

And if I am the same as the other....
Why would u want to be with me?
Just to hurt me?

If my memory serve me right,
We never fight or argue before.
and the fact that it happened today hurts a lot.

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